Theme slam: The inescapable decision

This is the text from the 'Book Trailer' for DEAD or ALIVE - The inescapable decision. What do you do? When you've wasted your chances, when fear grips your heart and the enemy advances. Anxiety and shame are ahead in the game, and your stupid choices, have ruined everything. What do you do? When the... Continue Reading →

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A new thing

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.Isaiah 43:18‭-‬19 NIV

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Joy in the presence of God

I was confronted with the presence and holiness of God long before I knew that Jesus had paid the price for all the things I was ashamed of and knew were wrong. I didn't know it was him. It was a glow so warm, strong and full of goodness. I knew I could not survive... Continue Reading →


So tired. Tired of the situation, stuck on socialmedia station. Tired of that as a whole in fact. Frustrated at the damage it does, to the youth, to all of us. Tired of fake scamming profiles. The need to communicate, just to chat, to evade deepening personal contact. Pretensive scammers leaping on prey. Sceming, manipulative... Continue Reading →

His purpose for you is good my dear friend

Deceitful lies, constant pressure to rationalize. Wishful thinking, comparison thrives. The enemy gaining dominion in our lives. Arrows of lies leading astray, destroying our peace, causing dismay. The enemy plans to destroy, using mind-games to lead us away, from God who loves us unconditionally. Hopes and dreams crushed as we sway, moved by the enemy... Continue Reading →

Media matters

As a child I didn't know about God, christianity, faith, Jesus or anything to do with it. I found churches to be dark, strange and creepy because all I saw was a couple of tourist attractions. I had never had a conversation or heard anyone talk about Jesus, prayer or the Bible. The only way... Continue Reading →

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